Sunday 16 November 2008

Perfume Advert

(Bottom) This was the original photograph that I took for the perfume advert. I liked the positioning of the body and arms and the eyeline was facing upwards. For the final advert (Top) I worked with the photo on Photoshop to change certain aspects. I enhanced certain colours and made the dress a darker shade of pink so it stood out more against the green leaves. I added contrast between all of the colours and removed blemishes from the skin in an attempt to create a professional looking advert. The branches of the tree create an arch around the model which draws the viewers eyes to the centre of the photograph. The overall effect gave me the idea of Eve in the Garden of Eden. With this idea, the bottle would seem to represent the apple which Eve takes off the tree, therefore the viewers should feel a subconscious urge to take the bottle. I chose the bottle because it is a rounded shape and looks almost like one of the apples in the photograph. I tinted it with pink so it fitted in with the model's dress. I couldn't find the font that I wanted to use so i am still unsatisfied with my advert. Apart from that, i am mostly pleased with it.

1 comment:

mw said...

I agree the enhanced colour gives the advertisement overall coherence. I think the main problem is the shed roofs in the background which are emphasised by placing the perfume bottle over one area of this background space. You need to identify target audience and describe how the advertisement appeals to this audience - how does the Garden of Eden connotation meet with woman in red.